介紹: 基 因 型E.coli B e14-(McrA-) Δ(mcrCB-hsdSMR-mrr)171 endA1 gyrA96 thi-1 supE44 relA1 lac recB recJ sbcC umuC::Tn5 (Kanr) uvrC [F´ proAB lacIqZΔM15 Tn10 (Tetr)].
簡 要 說 明真核生物DNA存在較多“十字型”、“Z字型”等二級或三級結構,這種DNA結構在利用傳統大腸桿菌進行克隆時易被大腸桿菌體內的重組酶系統或其他防御系統識別并對其進行重組,刪除等破壞,導致很難對這類DNA進行正確的克隆操作。SURE菌株可以解決這些問題:此菌株體內重組酶系統整條通路被破壞,并且(McrA-, McrCB-, McrF-, Mrr-, HsdR-) 這些限制性突變的存在賦予此菌株無法對外源DNA進行標記、限制的能力,提高了外源甲基化DNA的克隆效率,同時具有核酸酶(endA)突變、重組酶 (recB recJ)突變,增強了外源DNA的穩定性。存在于F´因子上的lacIqZΔM15基因使此菌株可以進行藍白斑篩選;Kanr,Tetr賦予菌株卡那霉素和四環素抗性。High5TM系列SURE感受態細胞由特殊工藝制作,經pUC19質粒檢測轉化效率達5×108cfu/μg。
操 作 說 明
3.向離心管中加入700μl不含抗生素的無菌培養基(2YT或LB),混勻后37℃,200rpm復蘇60分鐘。4.5000rpm離心一分鐘收菌,留取100μl左右上清輕輕吹打重懸菌塊并涂布到含相應抗生素的2YT或LB培養基上。5.將平板倒置放于37℃培養箱過夜培養。注 意 事 項1.感受態細胞最好在冰上融化。2.混入質粒或連接產物時應輕柔操作。
5.此菌株具有卡那霉素,四環素抗性,擁有這兩種抗性的質粒無法使用;對<40 µg/ml氯霉素有抗性,但對100 µg/ml氯霉素敏感。使用其他抗生素參考濃度:氨芐青霉素(終濃度: 100 µg/ml),氯霉素(終濃度:100 µg/ml)。
6.High5TM系列SURE感受態細胞采用常規轉化方法,轉化效率可達5×108cfu/μg。 ;如果有更高要求,可嘗試Stratagene公司推薦的標準protocol。Stratagene standard protocol1.Pre-chill a 14-ml BD Falcon polypropylene round-bottom tubes on ice. Preheat NZY+ broth to 42℃.2.Thaw the cells on ice. When thawed, gently mix and aliquot 100 µl of cells into the pre-chilled tubes.3.Add 4 µl of the β-ME(β巰基乙醇) to the aliquot of cells.4.Swirl the tubes gently. Incubate the cells on ice for 10 minutes, swirling gently every 2 minutes.5.Add 0.1-50 ng of the experimental DNA (or 2 µl of a ligation mixture) to the aliquot of cells.6.Swirl the tubes gently, then incubate the tubes on ice for 30 minutes.7.Heat-pulse the tubes in a 42℃ water bath for 30 seconds. The duration of the heat pulse is critical.8.Incubate the tubes on ice for 2 minutes.9.Add 0.9 ml of preheated (42℃) NZY+ broth and incubate the tubes at 37℃ for 1 hour with shaking at 225-250 rpm.10.Plate ≤200 µl of the transformation mixture on LB agar plates containing the appropriate antibiotic (and containing IPTG and X-gal if color screening is desired).11.Incubate the plates at 37℃ overnight. If performing blue-white color screening, incubate the plates at 37℃ for at least 17 hours to allow color development (color can be enhanced by subsequent incubation of the plates for 2 hours at 4℃).